How to view tasks log in ERPCA?

How to view tasks log in ERPCA?
  Open Bird-eye view/List view in Taskboard and then click on particular customers name/Task Id which will open up a pop up window. It will display various tabs like overview, checklist, expenses,communication, logs, etc. Overview will reflect the hours activity...
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How to close single or multiple tasks in one go in ERPCA?
  Single/Multiple task can be closed through bulk actions. For that you need to go Taskboard---Bird eye view and then select resource/workcategory group. The tasks will reflect in the right hand side.Select the tasks and go to actions and select...
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How to submit task for review from taskboard in ERPCA?
  If you follow the maker-checker concept you can appoint a reviewer for each task in ERPCA. To submit any task for review, select the task,go to bulk action and click on submit for review. There is also an option...
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How to take single action on multiple tasks in one go in ERPCA?
  It is a difficult process to perform multiple action with regard to task management functionalities. But ERPCA smoothens this practise through a single click. You can select single, multiple task(s) or all task and perform bulk actions like Delete,...
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How to use filter, close and change task status in ERPCA?
  When you have multiple task created for the team every day, to reach out to a particular task is difficult manually. But in ERPCA we can track it within seconds by applying various filters. Different filters and sub filters...
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How to edit task in ERPCA?
  In the Taskboard when we click on the Customer name /Task ID- of the respective task we get the option for edit as well as delete task. The details previously mentioned in the task can be modified through the...
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How to create new task(s) manually in ERPCA?
  There are 3 ways of task creation in task module of ERPCA.-Manual task, Bulk import and Workflow task. Manually task creation- manual task can also be termed as Non-recurring task( i.e. the task which are one time task only...
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How to view services related details like income tax, GST username, password, etc in ERPCA?
  While creating new customers we can tag recurring services both manually and through excel bulk import. Respective departmnent section(For e.g. Income tax, GST, Accounting) for the tagged workcategory will be created inside Customer's profile under File option. Different department...
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How to disable customer’s profile or make customer inactive or active in ERPCA?
  ERPCA allows you to easily disable/inactive any customer's profile which is not currently in use for the organistion. Customer index will generate the list of inactive customerslist and activating them again easily. This video will help you to understand...
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How to tag services with customer’s using create/add customer, customer matrix or through workflow in ERPCA?
  There are many ways to tag recurring services with customers- 1. Create Customer/Edit customer - there is field called Assign Workcategories-Type and tag the workcategory along with client. 2. Customer Matrix - A table in customers's module which has...
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